Euler Hermes has a new name. We are now Allianz Trade. The reliable way in which we help you as an entrepreneur does not change. The fact that we are now fully part of the Allianz family makes us even stronger.
First the coronavirus, now the military conflict in Ukraine. How does global trade absorb the blows from the coronavirus and Ukraine? In addition, what are the consequences of the renewed lockdowns in China?
Russia and Ukraine hold a limited share of goods and services in world trade. Nonetheless, the effect of the military conflict has proved substantial. As a result, profitability in many sectors is under considerable pressure.
Growth is an important objective for almost every company. It can bring many opportunities for your company, but you also have to watch out for the pitfalls. What are the pros and cons of expanding a business?
The Netherlands is one of the top five most competitive economies in the world. There are few countries in the world where the ecosystem is as attractive to entrepreneurs as in the Netherlands.
Retailers in the fashion industry have emerged from the pandemic weakened. Turnover is clearly lower and consumer behaviour seems to have changed. The risk of bankruptcy increases in the fashion industry.