It Takes Two.
Olympians and Paralympians inspire the world. They look ahead and prepare for the future. But they didn’t get to the Olympic & Paralympic Games on their own. Athletes need support, and that’s why we’ve joined their team.
Allianz Trade, formally known as Euler Hermes, united with the Olympic & Paralympic Movements through Allianz’s Worldwide Insurance Partnership. To help athletes and their teams gain confidence to achieve their goals, Allianz is offering them mentorship, career opportunities, health activities, and insurance solutions & services.
Allianz officially began its eight-year worldwide partnership with the Olympic & Paralympic Movements on January 1, 2021, building on a collaboration with the Paralympic Movement since 2006. We’ve brought athletes, teams, volunteers, and fans together in more than 200 countries.
Together with Allianz, we will continue to support the Movements with tailored insurance solutions and services for athletes as well as sport-related businesses and organizations.