
Business guarantees and sureties

Looking for a guarantee or surety bond? Look no further, we are happy to help you today. With our AA rating part and part of the Allianz Group, we are a very reliable partner.

Give your customers valuable reassurance and develop your business with confidence. A guarantee from Allianz Trade lets your customers know that you can meet your contractual commitments. If you can't longer fulfill your contractual commitments, your customers could recover the damage by claiming the guarantee.

Create a competitive advantage by using our guarantees. As part of Allianz Group and with a AA rating from Standard & Poor's, our guarantees are better than the ones you can receive from the banks. We offer you more flexibility by tailoring the guarantee in function of your needs.


Identify the need



You need to set up a guarantee or other form of security to secure a contract.

Risk analysis



Provide complete information for review and assessment. Our team of specialists will share insight and advice.


Set up guarantee



We act as completely independent guarantor for your contract. Your client can deal contracts with you with confidence.


Limit the damages


If you can't fulfill your contractual commitments, the damages caused to your client will be covered by the guarantee.
Guarantees and sureties are two instruments that parties use to offer each other more security and comfort. Although they are often used interchangeably, the obligations of the principal, the beneficiary and the guarantor are very different. They are therefore two different legal entities, each with its own rights and obligations for the parties involved.
Our Guarantees do not drain your working capital.  Financial institutions, such as banks, regard our Guarantees as a "temporary obligation" rather than a debt, so it does not appear on your balance sheet. This gives you back more control and flexibility financially. Our Guarantees are therefore a great alternative to a bank guarantee.

As part of the Allianz Group and with our AA score from Standard & Poor's, the market considers our Guarantees at least as good and reliable as those of your bank.
In this video, we explain how our guarantees can help you
Our AA rating from Standard & Poor's provides your financial partners and beneficiaries with the confidence to trade at home or overseas.
Use our bonds and take the pressure off your bank credit line. The additional liquidity will be available for other calls on cash facilities.
Extend your business into new markets. Benefit from our global insights, local presence and in-depth expertise to meet your need for guarantees.
With our fraud insurance you protect your company against financial losses caused by internal and external fraud. This insurance is especially suitable for large and medium-sized companies.
With trade credit insurance, your business is insured for damages that occur because a customer does not pay your invoices. With this insurance, in addition to coverage, you also make use of our information and collection service.