Managing fraud risk smartly

Protect your business against financial losses with our fraud insurance

As a financial professional, you strive for continuity and security. To realise these ambitions, it is essential to use the right financial instruments. These protect your business from unforeseen risks while enhancing your business success.

One of the most important tools you should consider is fraud insurance. With our fraud insurance, you protect your business against financial losses due to internal fraud as well as external fraud. It can be a valuable tool to stabilise your business operations and be and stay financially sound.

Recent research shows that 79% of companies experienced fraud last year. So don't wait any longer and discover the many benefits of fraud insurance for your business.

Fraud insurance compensates financial losses due to internal and external fraud. If you take out fraud insurance, you are therefore covered against financial losses. This will prevent your company from getting into trouble itself. But there are more reasons why fraud insurance is interesting for your company:
Fraud insurance helps effectively manage the risk of fraud within your business. Having fraud insurance can help a company implement security measures and internal control systems to prevent fraud.
Fraud insurance helps protect your company's reputation. Customers and business partners have confidence that your company is aware of the risks of fraud and has taken appropriate measures to protect against it.
You will probably also have to incur costs to mitigate further losses, such as court costs. The good news is that in addition to financial losses, these costs are also included in our fraud insurance.
  • Financial losses resulting from employees' criminal activities. These include theft, breach of trust, fraud, embezzlement or property damage.
  • Fraud losses due to false identity, as in the case of "CEO fraud" or diversion of funds by third parties posing as one of your business partners.
  • Damage caused by third parties through certain forms of embezzlement, theft or fraud.
  • The ability to co-insure damages caused by stealing trade secrets.
  • Costs resulting from fraud, such as data recovery and legal proceedings.
Vrouw in auto die blij is dat ze een fraudeverzekering heeft afgesloten

Contact us today. We will be happy to make a fraud risk inventory of your business. Based on this inventory, we will issue a recommendation.

You can reach our advisers on working days between 08.30 and 17.00 by calling 02 790 24 15. You can also fill in the contact form. Our advisers will then contact you within 2 working days.