Companies are increasingly publishing an ESG or sustainability report in addition to their annual (financial) report. Companies want to show how they have performed in social and environmental areas. A well-founded ESG or sustainability strategy brings many benefits to companies. We wrote an e-book about this with practical tips.

The e-book identifies, among other things, the areas in which companies benefit thanks to their ESG or sustainability approach. For example, a good ESG strategy is not only a way to improve the company's reputation but is also increasingly important in obtaining financing. It also provides better relationships with like-minded investors and suppliers.


Better brand awareness, customer loyalty and reputation: this can lead to more sales, turnover and profit. In addition, eco-friendly paperless systems, remote working and other green policies can reduce a company's overhead costs.


Customers are increasingly choosing products that are produced in a green and socially responsible manner. This trend will only intensify in the coming years.

Trade credit insurance

ESG-conscious businesses can not only use their green and social performance to their advantage when applying for financing, but it also plays a role in obtaining trade credit insurance.  

Our risk assessment model considers ESG when raising or lowering a company's rating. This is beneficial for companies that have integrated ESG into their strategy. For example, if a company uses renewable energy, it reduces its costs and improves its balance sheet, making it a more favourable candidate for trade credit insurance.

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