When starting to export, finding out how to get paid quickly should be a priority. Discover exclusive data on the countries with a culture of fast (and slow) payment.
The B2B ecommerce market is booming, but buyers are looking for flexibility from BNPL. So what is B2B BNPL, and how can B2B companies benefit from its adoption?
Factoring and other forms of invoice financing are ideal for companies wanting access to funding. Here are five key questions to ask before signing up.
Four ways BNPL can unlock your business’s e-commerce revenue potential
Explore Allianz Trade’s top tips on how to turn your B2B customer’s expectations for BNPL into an e-commerce revenue opportunity – while still protecting your cash flow
BNPL: The new critical success factor for B2B e-merchants
By offering BNPL financing to customers, e-merchants can increase e-commerce conversion rates, foster loyalty and grow sales – without putting cash flow at risk. Discover how.