Why cash reserves are important for your company

Learn what cash reserves are, why you need them and how your business can create, manage and benefit from them.
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What It Means To Be Past Due On An Invoice

Understanding what it means to be past due on an invoice and how to avoid them can help SMEs overcome huge problems in the future. Learn more today.
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What is a Bad Debt Expense and How to Protect Your Business

Learn about bad debt expense, how to calculate it, and the steps you can take to prevent the impacts on your business.
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What is a surety bond?

What is a surety bond and how can it help your business? Our guide to surety bonds explores how a surety bond company like Allianz Trade can help compensate for losses and damages.
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What are performance bonds?

What are performance bonds and does your business need one? Our guide to performance bonds explains how they work and how Allianz Trade can help compensate for losses and damages.
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Letter of credit vs trade credit insurance: advantages and disadvantages

Understand the benefits and drawbacks of a letter of credit versus trade credit insurance to make informed decisions for your business needs
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What is a disputed invoice? And how do you deal with them?

Disputed invoices can be costly and time consuming. Here are four steps to deal with them and ways to protect yourself from future disputed invoices.
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Business cash flow management: understanding the basics

Explore the basics and benefits of cash flow management. Learn to plan expenses, secure growth and optimise cash flow in this guide.
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What is bad debt and what to do about it

Learn about bad debt, including its causes and possible solutions, what bad debt write-offs are and how to prevent bad debt in the future.
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86 releases in total