No. When you take out a trade credit insurance policy with us you will be able to make use of our expert debt collection service. It operates worldwide, covering all sizes of debt.
Collecting debts is a step by step process that keeps costs under control and can be monitored continually. We start with telephone calls and letters which make the request clear and use our name and reputation in the market. We can enter into negotiation with your customer if you wish us to do so. If none of those steps are successful, within an acceptable length of time, we can provide a legal service from judgment to enforcement action. We’ll discuss this with you before any action is taken.
It varies depending on the case and country. Economic, political and cultural reasons all affect customer behaviour. We aim to make an agreement with the debtor as quickly as possible. We avoid legal action as it can lead to long delays. When you work with our collection teams they will discuss with you what to expect and give you an idea of how long it could take. If you are starting to trade with new countries you may also find it useful to download our debt collection app.
Sometimes we follow all the usual steps (before legal action) without success. At that point we’ll discuss the situation with you and explain what options are available. If you decide to stop the collection activity at that point, we’ll close the case. Alternatively, you might want to take legal action. If it’s appropriate, we’ll let you know the chances of success, how long it could take and what it might cost so that you can decide whether to proceed. At this stage, a benefit of being credit insured with us is that we will also start assessing a claim under your policy.
Yes. We are committed to protecting your customer portfolio. As a third party with a global reputation, local knowledge and deep insight into customer finances, we can often negotiate more effectively to make sure you receive payments when they are due.
Your guarantee of a global service is our network of offices in 50 countries, including all the major economies in the world. That presence on the ground is backed by close partnerships with lawyers and collection agents in many more territories. In total we can reach into over 130 countries.
Yes. Around the world we employ more than 600 dedicated commercial debt collectors. We constantly invest in their training and the development of their skills. The team is closely coordinated, working with systems and processes that define best practice in debt collection.
Our collectors don’t just work for us, they work for you. They are ambassadors for your organisation when they focus on collecting the payments owed to you.
Our collectors don’t just work for us, they work for you. They are ambassadors for your organisation when they focus on collecting the payments owed to you.
To find out more about our services get in touch with us today