Surety Bonds & Guarantees

Allianz Trade surety bonds offer a powerful guarantee for the fulfilment of a contract across a wide range of UK industries.   

In an uncertain and fiercely competitive business environment, having a surety bond gives project owners the confidence to contract with suppliers, safe in the knowledge they will be compensated if contract terms are not met.
A surety bond creates a triangular relationship between you (the supplier or contractor), your employer (the project owner) and a surety bond company such as Allianz Trade.

With Allianz Trade’s financial strength, our surety bond expertise and our alternative to bank bonds, contract surety is a given whilst freeing up bank lines of credit.

Our AA rating means our bonds can be relied upon by clients globally, and are often a preferred product.
Our alternative to bank bonds doesn’t restrict your banking credit or reduce liquidity.
Our surety bonds give you and project owners the confidence to tackle ambitious projects.

Allianz Trade issues a variety of different types of surety bonds to meet the particular needs of different sectors and circumstances. These include:

  • Advance payment bonds
  • Appeal/court bonds
  • Contract performance bonds
  • Deductible guarantees
  • Decommissioning/restoration bonds
  • Joint Venture bonds complement
  • Licence and permit bonds
  • Payment bonds
  • Pension bonds
  • Retention/maintenance bonds
  • Road & sewer (section) bonds
  • Rural Payments Agency (RPA) bonds
  • VAT and customs bonds
New customers (including brokers) apply for a bond facility, sharing bond requirements and financial information online
Enquiries need to pass our initial checks during the online process, then we email to confirm whether we can help
Our underwriting team capture additional information from you as part of the underwriting process
Once the facility is in place and your bond application is complete, your bond is issued

New customers (including brokers) can apply for a bond facility online by providing financial information and initial bond requirements.

The online process takes around 5 minutes, with an immediate decision in principle given on whether the application meets our minimum underwriting criteria.