Business Tips

Read our tips to help you trade safely and grow your business
An image showing a group of people discussing on how to control financial risks

What is financial risk and how can it be controlled?

Financial risk refers to the possibility of losing money and is an inherent part of any business venture. Good financial risk management involves identifying potential risks, assessing how much risk can be absorbed, mitigating the identified risks, and controlling a variety of risks, using a range of different methods.
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An image showing a couple of people discussing invoice factoring

What is invoice factoring?

Invoice factoring involves selling unpaid invoices to a third party in exchange for a cash advance. Read to learn more.
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An image showing a couple of people discussing how to resolve a disputed invoice

What are disputed invoices and how can they be resolved?

An invoice is considered to be disputed when a customer may disagree with the invoice and may refuse to pay
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Check list for surety bond success

The checklist is specifically designed to guide decision-makers and project owners through the key decision points for a successful surety bond strategy.
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An image of a man working on his computer calculating the gearing ratio

Gearing ratio: definition, types & calculation method

Gearing ratio is one way to measure a company’s financial health. It involves comparing the company's capital to the amount of money the company has borrowed.
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An image of a man thinking on how to determine credit terms of an invoice

How to determine credit terms for an invoice?

Once you have decided to extend credit, you need to establish credit terms. Credit terms refer to the specifications for invoice payment at a later date.
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An image representing a group of people discussing about the pros and cons of extending credit

The pros and cons of extending credit to customers

By extending credit to customers, you are telling them that you trust them to pay their bills, and you are financially healthy with access to working capital.
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An image of a man explaining what creditworthiness of a company is

What is creditworthiness?

Creditworthiness is an evaluation of a company's financial reliability and can predict how likely they are to pay you on time.
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An image of a person figuring out if they have bad debt

What is bad debt and what to do about it?

Learn about bad debt, including its causes and available remedies, how to collect them, and how to prevent them in the future.
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