Find Your Best Customer Match with the Global Leader in Trade Credit Insurance

Assessing a potential customer's creditworthiness can be complicated. With our expert credit risk analysts and state-of-the-art business monitoring technology, we can be your customer matchmaker. We can also help you grow your sales, increase your working capital and help you secure better financing - what's not to love? 

Making the right decision for your business can be a lot to juggle when considering your top and bottom lines, but you can protect your organization from payment issues while still growing with trade credit insurance from Allianz Trade. 

  • Unrivaled trade risk insight to help you pick the right customers, so you can grow safely and avoid more bad debts 
  • A safety net to reimburse you if you do encounter covered cash flow disruption due to payment defaults, slow payments, or customer insolvencies 
  • Reduce bad debt reserves to free up capital and enhance cash flow 

Complete the form to request a free risk assessment and quote tailored to your business.

Trade Credit Insurance Products - Ensuring Payment Icon
Protect against bad debt loss and get paid by customers as expected  
Safe Sales Growth Icon
Safely and aggressively grow sales with new and existing customers
Trade Risk Data
Use our proprietary knowledge to make the best business decisions 
Credit Insurance Solutions - Secure More Capital Icon
Turn receivables into insured assets to improve bank financing terms 

 "Wheel of Risk" is a brand new podcast – brought to you by Allianz Trade – designed to help you keep your business safe, secure, and well ahead of the competition.

Every episode, host Alix McCabe talks to business leaders and experts who’ve faced, and overcome, real trade-related challenges to keep their businesses alive and thriving. They know what it means to truly protect their organizations and themselves. They learned the hard way, so you don’t have to.

So go ahead – spin the wheel – we’ve got you covered!

Wheel of Risk Podcast

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