Sophie Albert, the Head of Large Corporations for Surety at Allianz Trade in Germany, didn’t necessarily plan for her career to head in this direction. Joining the group in 2007 as part of a dual study program with the Hamburg School of Business Administration, she gained experience in all the corporate departments. And something about surety struck a chord.

Firstly, I was looking for a dual study program. These are typically proposed by large corporations and offer the best of both worlds: 50% of your time you’re studying, and the other 50% you’re putting that education into action. I suppose the only downside is that you don’t get to enjoy the long holidays that students usually have!

While I wasn’t thinking specifically about insurance, I did want to join a big, international company. So, I applied to Allianz Trade – and I’m thrilled that it worked out. During my three-year traineeship, I worked across each of the company’s departments. This kind of experience lets you see yourself in every function, really, and gives you the confidence that, yes – you can do it.

I’ve focused on growth and challenging myself at every point in my career. I think it’s important to try lots of different things so that you can understand your strengths as well as gain insight into other people and their perspectives.

After my program finished, I started full time as Group HR Controlling and Information System Officer.  I really enjoyed that role, but after two years I wanted to go back to “business.” I wanted not just to be in a corporate function, but to see how we actually do business, and really understand how the company works both in Germany and across the world.

That led to me joining the surety team as a risk underwriter and acquiring surety and risk management expertise. Then, after around 18 months, I moved to internal audit. This was an international function where I had the opportunity to travel to every business unit and utilize my HR, risk and surety knowhow. I really enjoyed this role; it was interesting and dynamic, and I enjoyed being able to leverage skills gained across my seven years in the company. However, I identified a missing jigsaw piece my toolkit: management. So that’s where I went next.   

My first managerial role as a team leader in audit was great – my team were such a joy. And I realized that management is a good fit for me. I’m a generalist, but I’m structured. I’m good at understanding things quickly and connecting the dots, while supporting clients and employees to do the same. So then, in 2017, I moved back to surety as Head of SMEs at Allianz Trade in Germany, becoming Head of Partner Management in 2018 to push our growth in surety from a different angle.

I really found my groove here: a great product, a great team, and a great role.

I had my daughter in 2019, and when I came back from parental leave in 2020, I changed to my current position as Head of Large Corporations. The way we operate with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) vs large corporations is quite different and I had to adapt. For example, our SME business has a very large portfolio, with thousands of clients. Our “large corp” portfolio is smaller, and the cases are more individual. The expectations, too, can be a little different. I often join client calls now, which I didn’t do so much before. And the international cooperation is much more present in my current role, so I can leverage Allianz Trade’s global footprint and expertise to support our largest clients.

However, I wouldn’t say that it’s more challenging – it’s just different. And with a good team, enthusiasm and willingness to get on the phone with a customer, you can achieve anything.

Join us! It’s a great industry if you want to see a lot of different parts of a business. And even things that are outside your comfort zone can be beneficial. Surety is full of growth and opportunities, especially at Allianz Trade.
Sophie Albert
Head of Large Corporations for Surety 
Allianz Trade in Germany