Allianz Trade BoniCheck

A reliable, up-to-date source of information available around the clock online.

Take well-founded action thanks to BoniCheck

Our BoniCheck service is much more than just a source of information. It is an indispensable foundation for doing business in a responsible manner. With BoniCheck, you will know straight away whether a transaction is risky or a supplier is reliable and you can act early on the basis of this knowledge.

Here’s how BoniCheck works: The rating system uses a 10-point scale that indicates the probability of your business partners defaulting on a payment in the next 12 months. All information on creditworthiness is of course based on the latest facts and figures, which we evaluate on an ongoing basis. Would you like to shed more light on a certain company’s credit rating? No problem at all – we are happy to inform you of any changes automatically.

With BoniCheck, our unique global information network is yours too. It is accessible online at any time – and extremely valuable for your day-to-day business.

You get to know your customers even better and can avoid financial losses.
Our early warning system continuously monitors credit ratings and informs you quickly, which is very useful when it comes to acquiring new customers and choosing suppliers.
Positive credit ratings are an important competitive advantage for you as they enable you to focus your attention on top customers.
Dominique Haab
Senior New Business Underwriter

Allianz Trade in Switzerland
Richtiplatz 1
CH-8304 Wallisellen

Phone:        +41 44 283 65 48
Mobile:       +41 79 574 91 82
dominique haab