Allianz Trade CAP/CAP+

Imagine you would like to take on an order, but your credit insurance cannot give you an adequate credit limit because the customer’s credit rating is not good enough. What do you do? We have a suggestion: apply for extra cover.

Free choice of term and amount

We deliberately developed our CAP and CAP+ solutions in close collaboration with reinsurance companies. Why? Because we wanted the best product for you when it comes to safeguarding receivables that cannot be fully insured. The most important thing for you: this extra cover, which can only be taken out in combination with our credit insurance, is made to measure, meaning that you can choose the term and the amount yourself.


Your online advantage: some quick facts

Our Allianz Trade in Switzerland Online Information Service (EOLIS) will also be of great value to you in such matters. It is available around the clock and can provide you with rapid credit decisions.

With this product, you will be opting for additional safeguarding against coverage gaps that arise in the case of transactions with an increased risk of default.
Our premiums are fair and, above all, easy to understand. We only charge additional premiums for actual additional cover.
What a great feeling: you can do business with your customers without having to worry and can deliberately take on greater risk in the process.

Allianz Trade in Switzerland CAP is the right choice for you if:

  • there is already a sum insured for the transactions you wish to safeguard, but it is not high enough
  • the cover should be doubled subject to certain conditions

Allianz Trade in Switzerland CAP+ is the right choice for you if:

  • a credit application was rejected for a new customer under a credit insurance policy from Allianz Trade in Switzerland
  • you wish to obtain cover of up to CHF 75,000
Dominique Haab
Senior New Business Underwriter

Allianz Trade in Switzerland
Richtiplatz 1
CH-8304 Wallisellen

Phone:        +41 44 283 65 48
Mobile:       +41 79 574 91 82
dominique haab