Recap, Top 10 Reasons to Insure Your Receivables:


  1. Grow Your Sales safely and Strategically to New and Existing Customers
  2. Approve credit limits quick to cpature more revenue opportunities
  3. Maintain cash flow and profitability by mitigating your risk of bad debt
  4. Access better knowledge about your customers and prospects to help avoid losses before they occur
  5. Obtain more working capital (often at more favorable rates) since insurance receivables translate to secure collateral
  6. Offer competitive terms overseas so you can sell more to foreign markets
  7. Enahnce the efficiency of your in-house credit team by tapping into the deep resources of a leading credit insurer
  8. Manage your A/R concentration risk
  9. Enhance your customer relationships and be more competitive by safely raising credit limits or offering better terms
  10. Sleep better at night knowing your risks are covered and your payments are guaranteed
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