Will more parties bring more growth?


SENSITIVE RISK for enterprise

  • Economic risk

  • Business environment risk

  • Political risk

  • Commercial risk

  • Financing risk

  • Economic risk

  • Business environment risk

  • Political risk

  • Commercial risk

  • Financing risk

Updated in June 2024.

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USD405.9bn (World ranking 38, World Bank 2022)
59.9mn (World ranking 24, World Bank 2022)
Form of state Republic
Head of government Cyril Ramaphosa (President)
Next elections 2029, Legislative
  • Africa’s most industrialized economy, with the largest and most liquid capital market, reduced external vulnerabilities and a declining trends in insolvencies, despite increasing costs due to load shedding, poor logistics and still modest employment rates.
  • Ongoing fiscal consolidation efforts, disciplined salary increases and increased tax collection, which are contributing to the stabilization of the government debt ratio at slightly over 70% of GDP.
  • Abundant international reserves covering around six months of imports, a flexible exchange rate and limited external debt in foreign currency.
  • Frequent business disruptions resulting from inefficient utilities, red tape and social unrest.
  • Considerable absorption of revenues for short-term debt repayment and still elevated sovereign bond yields compared to peers.
  • Polarized and deeply unequal society, which remains inclined to political fragmentation, disaffection towards the institutional framework and violent uprisings with the potential to block business activity across the most sensitive areas of the country.

Trade structure by destination/origin

(% of total, 2022)

Exports Rank Imports
China 15.3%
19.9% China
United States 8.8%
7.9% Germany
Germany 7.7%
7.0% India
Japan 6.4%
6.3% United States
India 5.2%
3.7% Saudi Arabia

Trade structure by product

(% of total, 2022)

Exports Rank Imports
Non-ferrous metals 17.9%
19.0% Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials
Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 13.8%
8.2% Road vehicles
Coal, coke and briquettes 10.0%
4.7% Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s.
Gold, non-monetary (excluding gold ores and concentrates) 8.2%
3.8% Other industrial machinery and parts
Road vehicles 7.9%
3.4% Telecommunication and sound recording apparatus
The Allianz Trade Collection Complexity Score provides a simple assessment of how easy it is to collect debt around the world. The 2022 edition covers 49 countries that represent nearly 90% of global GDP and 85% of global trade.
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Popular Risk Reports: Africa